Cheap Elegant Wedding Centerpieces

Cheap Elegant Wedding Centerpieces

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life, and you want everything to be perfect. But that doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to create cheap elegant wedding centerpieces that will make your reception look amazing.

Start by thinking about the overall theme of your wedding. What kind of atmosphere do you want to create? Once you have a good idea of the style you're going for, you can start narrowing down your options for centerpieces.

Here are a few ideas for cheap elegant wedding centerpieces that are sure to impress your guests:

Cheap Elegant Wedding Centerpieces

There are many ways to create cheap elegant wedding centerpieces that will make your reception look amazing. Consider the overall theme of your wedding and the style you're going for when choosing centerpieces.

  • Tall vases with simple greenery
  • Floating candles in water-filled vases
  • Fruit and flower arrangements
  • Wooden crates filled with flowers
  • Geometric terrariums with succulents
  • Apothecary jars filled with sand and candles
  • Vintage books stacked with greenery
  • DIY centerpieces made with items from nature

These are just a few ideas to get you started. With a little creativity, you can find or create cheap elegant wedding centerpieces that will fit your style and budget.

Tall vases with simple greenery

Tall vases with simple greenery are a classic and elegant centerpiece option that is also very affordable. You can use any type of vase you like, but clear glass vases are a good choice because they will allow the greenery to be the focal point. For the greenery, you can use any type of leaves you like, such as eucalyptus, ferns, or olive branches. You can also add a few flowers to the arrangement, but keep it simple so that the greenery remains the star of the show.

To create a tall vase with simple greenery centerpiece, start by filling the vase with water. Then, add the greenery to the vase, arranging it so that it creates a visually appealing display. You can use a single type of greenery or mix and match different types. If you are using flowers, add them to the arrangement last.

Once you are happy with the arrangement, place the vase on a table or other surface. You can add a candle or other small decorative item to the table to complete the look.

Tall vases with simple greenery are a versatile centerpiece option that can be used for any type of wedding. They are also very affordable, making them a great choice for couples on a budget.

Here are a few tips for creating tall vases with simple greenery centerpieces:

  • Choose vases that are the right height for your tables. You want the centerpieces to be tall enough to make a statement, but not so tall that they block the view of your guests.
  • Use a variety of greenery to create a visually interesting display. You can use different types of leaves, flowers, and even fruits and vegetables.
  • Keep the arrangements simple. You don't want the centerpieces to be too cluttered or busy.
  • Add a candle or other small decorative item to the table to complete the look.

Floating candles in water-filled vases

Floating candles in water-filled vases are a simple but elegant centerpiece option that is also very affordable. You can use any type of vase you like, but clear glass vases are a good choice because they will allow the candles to be the focal point. You can also use different colors of candles to create a variety of looks.

To create a floating candle centerpiece, start by filling the vase with water. Then, add the candles to the vase. You can use a single candle or multiple candles, depending on the size of the vase. If you are using multiple candles, arrange them so that they are evenly spaced apart.

Once you are happy with the arrangement, place the vase on a table or other surface. You can add a few drops of essential oil to the water to create a relaxing or romantic atmosphere.

Floating candles in water-filled vases are a great centerpiece option for any type of wedding. They are also very affordable, making them a great choice for couples on a budget.

Here are a few tips for creating floating candle centerpieces:

  • Choose vases that are the right size for your tables. You want the centerpieces to be tall enough to make a statement, but not so tall that they block the view of your guests.
  • Use a variety of candles to create a visually interesting display. You can use different colors, shapes, and sizes of candles.
  • Keep the arrangements simple. You don't want the centerpieces to be too cluttered or busy.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil to the water to create a relaxing or romantic atmosphere.

Fruit and flower arrangements

Fruit and flower arrangements are a beautiful and affordable way to add a touch of elegance to your wedding reception. You can use a variety of fruits and flowers to create arrangements that are unique and personal to you. Here are a few ideas for fruit and flower arrangements:

  • Fruit and flower skewers

    Fruit and flower skewers are a fun and easy way to add a touch of whimsy to your wedding reception. Simply skewer your favorite fruits and flowers onto wooden skewers and arrange them in a vase or other container. You can also add a few leaves or herbs to the skewers for a touch of greenery.

  • Fruit and flower topiaries

    Fruit and flower topiaries are a more elaborate type of fruit and flower arrangement. They are made by attaching fruits and flowers to a topiary frame. You can create topiaries in any shape or size, and they can be used to decorate your tables, aisle, or even your wedding cake.

  • Fruit and flower baskets

    Fruit and flower baskets are a classic and elegant way to display your favorite fruits and flowers. You can use a variety of baskets, from wicker to wire, and you can fill them with any combination of fruits and flowers. Fruit and flower baskets can be used to decorate your tables, aisle, or even your wedding cake.

  • Fruit and flower chandeliers

    Fruit and flower chandeliers are a stunning way to add a touch of glamour to your wedding reception. They are made by attaching fruits and flowers to a chandelier frame. You can use any type of chandelier frame, and you can fill it with any combination of fruits and flowers. Fruit and flower chandeliers can be used to decorate your dance floor, aisle, or even your wedding cake.

Fruit and flower arrangements are a versatile and affordable way to add a touch of elegance to your wedding reception. With a little creativity, you can create arrangements that are unique and personal to you.

Wooden crates filled with flowers

Wooden crates filled with flowers are a rustic and charming centerpiece option that is also very affordable. You can use any type of wooden crate, but vintage or distressed crates will give your centerpieces a more unique and personal touch. For the flowers, you can use any type of flower you like, but wildflowers or other seasonal blooms will help to create a more natural and organic look.

To create a wooden crate filled with flowers centerpiece, start by lining the crate with a piece of plastic or fabric to prevent the wood from getting wet. Then, fill the crate with water and add the flowers. You can arrange the flowers in any way you like, but be sure to leave some space between the flowers so that they can get enough air and water.

Once you are happy with the arrangement, place the crate on a table or other surface. You can add a few candles or other small decorative items to the table to complete the look.

Wooden crates filled with flowers are a great centerpiece option for any type of wedding. They are also very affordable, making them a great choice for couples on a budget.

Here are a few tips for creating wooden crate filled with flowers centerpieces:

  • Choose crates that are the right size for your tables. You want the centerpieces to be tall enough to make a statement, but not so tall that they block the view of your guests.
  • Use a variety of flowers to create a visually interesting display. You can use different colors, shapes, and sizes of flowers.
  • Keep the arrangements simple. You don't want the centerpieces to be too cluttered or busy.
  • Add a few candles or other small decorative items to the table to complete the look.

Geometric terrariums with succulents

Geometric terrariums with succulents are a modern and elegant centerpiece option that is also very affordable. You can use any type of geometric terrarium, but terrariums with clean lines and sharp angles will give your centerpieces a more contemporary look. For the succulents, you can use any type of succulent you like, but small and low-growing succulents will work best in terrariums.

  • Choose the right terrarium. The terrarium you choose should be the right size for the number of succulents you want to include. It should also have a drainage hole in the bottom to prevent the succulents from getting waterlogged.
  • Add a layer of gravel or sand to the bottom of the terrarium. This will help to drainage and prevent the succulents from sitting in water.
  • Add the succulents to the terrarium. You can arrange the succulents in any way you like, but be sure to leave some space between them so that they can get enough air and water.
  • Water the succulents sparingly. Succulents do not need a lot of water, so it is important to water them only when the soil is completely dry.

Geometric terrariums with succulents are a great centerpiece option for any type of wedding. They are also very affordable, making them a great choice for couples on a budget.

Apothecary jars filled with sand and candles

Apothecary jars filled with sand and candles are a vintage and elegant centerpiece option that is also very affordable. You can use any type of apothecary jar, but jars with clear glass and simple lines will give your centerpieces a more modern look. For the sand, you can use any type of sand, but white or black sand will create a more dramatic effect. For the candles, you can use any type of candle, but unscented candles will allow the natural scent of the sand to shine through.

To create an apothecary jar filled with sand and candles centerpiece, start by filling the jar with sand. Then, add the candle to the center of the jar. You can also add a few small decorative items to the jar, such as seashells, stones, or flowers.

Once you are happy with the arrangement, place the jar on a table or other surface. You can add a few candles or other small decorative items to the table to complete the look.

Apothecary jars filled with sand and candles are a great centerpiece option for any type of wedding. They are also very affordable, making them a great choice for couples on a budget.

Here are a few tips for creating apothecary jars filled with sand and candles centerpieces:

  • Choose jars that are the right size for your tables. You want the centerpieces to be tall enough to make a statement, but not so tall that they block the view of your guests.
  • Use a variety of sand to create a visually interesting display. You can use different colors, textures, and even layers of sand.
  • Choose candles that are the right size for your jars. You want the candles to be tall enough to create a warm and inviting glow, but not so tall that they are a fire hazard.
  • Add a few small decorative items to the jars to complete the look. You can use seashells, stones, flowers, or anything else that you think will add a touch of elegance to your centerpieces.

Vintage books stacked with greenery

Vintage books stacked with greenery are a unique and elegant centerpiece option that is also very affordable. You can use any type of vintage books, but books with leather or cloth covers will give your centerpieces a more sophisticated look. For the greenery, you can use any type of greenery you like, but ferns, ivy, or eucalyptus will create a more lush and dramatic effect.

To create a vintage books stacked with greenery centerpiece, start by stacking the books on a table or other surface. You can stack the books in any way you like, but be sure to leave some space between the books so that the greenery can be seen.

Once you are happy with the arrangement of the books, add the greenery. You can tuck the greenery between the books, or you can drape it over the books. You can also add a few flowers to the arrangement for a touch of color.

Vintage books stacked with greenery are a great centerpiece option for any type of wedding. They are also very affordable, making them a great choice for couples on a budget.

Here are a few tips for creating vintage books stacked with greenery centerpieces:

  • Choose books that are the right size for your tables. You want the centerpieces to be tall enough to make a statement, but not so tall that they block the view of your guests.
  • Use a variety of books to create a visually interesting display. You can use books of different sizes, colors, and textures.
  • Use a variety of greenery to create a lush and dramatic effect. You can use ferns, ivy, eucalyptus, or any other type of greenery that you like.
  • Add a few flowers to the arrangement for a touch of color. You can use any type of flower that you like, but roses, lilies, or peonies will create a more elegant look.

DIY centerpieces made with items from nature

DIY centerpieces made with items from nature are a great way to add a touch of rustic elegance to your wedding reception. You can use any type of natural materials to create your centerpieces, such as flowers, leaves, branches, and stones. Here are a few ideas for DIY centerpieces made with items from nature:

  • Twig and flower centerpieces

    Twig and flower centerpieces are a simple and elegant way to add a touch of nature to your wedding reception. To make a twig and flower centerpiece, simply gather some twigs from your yard or a nearby park. Then, arrange the twigs in a vase or other container. Add some flowers to the arrangement, and you're done!

  • Leaf and candle centerpieces

    Leaf and candle centerpieces are a beautiful and romantic way to add a touch of warmth to your wedding reception. To make a leaf and candle centerpiece, simply gather some leaves from your yard or a nearby park. Then, arrange the leaves in a vase or other container. Add a candle to the center of the arrangement, and you're done!

  • Branch and berry centerpieces

    Branch and berry centerpieces are a festive and elegant way to add a touch of holiday cheer to your wedding reception. To make a branch and berry centerpiece, simply gather some branches from your yard or a nearby park. Then, arrange the branches in a vase or other container. Add some berries to the arrangement, and you're done!

  • Stone and flower centerpieces

    Stone and flower centerpieces are a unique and elegant way to add a touch of natural beauty to your wedding reception. To make a stone and flower centerpiece, simply gather some stones from your yard or a nearby park. Then, arrange the stones in a vase or other container. Add some flowers to the arrangement, and you're done!

DIY centerpieces made with items from nature are a great way to add a touch of personal style to your wedding reception. They are also very affordable, making them a great choice for couples on a budget.


Here are some frequently asked questions about cheap elegant wedding centerpieces:

Question 1: What are some tips for creating cheap elegant wedding centerpieces?
Answer 1: Here are a few tips for creating cheap elegant wedding centerpieces: - Use items from nature, such as flowers, leaves, branches, and stones. - Repurpose items you already have, such as vintage books, apothecary jars, or wooden crates. - Get creative and come up with your own unique ideas.

Question 2: What are some affordable materials that I can use to create wedding centerpieces?
Answer 2: Here are a few affordable materials that you can use to create wedding centerpieces: - Flowers from your local grocery store or farmer's market - Greenery from your yard or a nearby park - Candles from a discount store - Vintage books from a thrift store - Wooden crates from a hardware store

Question 3: How can I save money on wedding centerpieces?
Answer 3: Here are a few tips for saving money on wedding centerpieces: - Make your own centerpieces instead of buying them from a florist. - Buy your flowers in bulk from a wholesaler. - Use seasonal flowers and greenery. - Repurpose items you already have.

Question 4: What are some unique ideas for wedding centerpieces?
Answer 4: Here are a few unique ideas for wedding centerpieces: - A terrarium with succulents - A vintage book stacked with greenery - A wooden crate filled with flowers - A candle surrounded by stones - A vase filled with floating flowers

Question 5: How can I make my wedding centerpieces more elegant?
Answer 5: Here are a few tips for making your wedding centerpieces more elegant: - Use tall vases or candelabras. - Add some greenery to your arrangements. - Use candles to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. - Add a few personal touches, such as photos of you and your partner or your favorite quotes.

Question 6: What are some tips for displaying wedding centerpieces?
Answer 6: Here are a few tips for displaying wedding centerpieces: - Place your centerpieces on tables or other surfaces that are high enough to be seen by your guests. - Group your centerpieces together to create a more dramatic effect. - Use different heights and shapes of centerpieces to add visual interest.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

In addition to the tips and ideas in this FAQ, here are a few more tips for creating cheap elegant wedding centerpieces:


Here are a few practical tips for creating cheap elegant wedding centerpieces:

Tip 1: Use seasonal flowers and greenery. Seasonal flowers and greenery are typically more affordable than out-of-season flowers. They are also more likely to be available in your area.

Tip 2: Repurpose items you already have. You can use items you already have, such as vintage books, vases, and candles, to create unique and elegant centerpieces. This is a great way to save money and add a personal touch to your wedding.

Tip 3: Get creative. Don't be afraid to get creative with your centerpieces. You can use any type of materials you like, such as flowers, greenery, fruit, and candles. The possibilities are endless!

Tip 4: Ask for help. If you are short on time or resources, ask your friends or family members for help with creating your centerpieces. They will be happy to lend a hand and help you create beautiful and affordable centerpieces.

With a little creativity and effort, you can create cheap elegant wedding centerpieces that will make your reception look amazing.

Now that you have some tips for creating cheap elegant wedding centerpieces, it's time to start planning your own. Remember to keep your budget in mind and to get creative with your ideas.


Cheap elegant wedding centerpieces are a great way to add a touch of sophistication to your wedding reception without breaking the bank. With a little creativity and effort, you can create centerpieces that are both beautiful and affordable.

Here are a few key points to remember when creating cheap elegant wedding centerpieces:

  • Use seasonal flowers and greenery.
  • Repurpose items you already have.
  • Get creative with your ideas.
  • Ask for help from friends or family members.

By following these tips, you can create cheap elegant wedding centerpieces that will make your reception look amazing. So get started today and start planning your dream wedding!

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