How Much Alcohol for a Wedding of 150 Guests

How Much Alcohol for a Wedding of 150 Guests

Planning a wedding reception involves many decisions, and one of the most important is determining how much alcohol to purchase. This can be a difficult task, as you want to ensure there is enough alcohol for your guests to enjoy without overspending or running out. This article will provide guidelines on how much alcohol you need for a wedding of 150 guests, taking into account factors such as the type of alcohol, the duration of the reception, and the drinking habits of your guests.

In estimating the amount of alcohol needed, consider the type of alcohol you will be serving. Beer and wine are generally more popular at weddings than hard liquor, so you will likely need more of these beverages. If you plan on offering a signature cocktail, factor in the ingredients and the number of servings you want to provide.

Once you have determined the types of alcohol you will be serving, you can calculate the amount needed based on the duration of the reception. A good rule of thumb is to provide one drink per guest per hour, so for a six-hour reception, you would need 900 drinks.

How Much Alcohol for a Wedding of 150 Guests

Planning a wedding reception involves many decisions, including how much alcohol to purchase. Here are 10 important points to consider when determining the amount of alcohol you need for a wedding of 150 guests:

  • Estimate guest count accurately
  • Consider open bar vs. limited bar
  • Determine beer, wine, and liquor needs
  • Factor in signature cocktails
  • Estimate drinks per guest per hour
  • Adjust for duration of reception
  • Account for non-drinkers
  • Consider seasonal factors
  • Set a budget and stick to it
  • Rent a bar or hire a bartender

By following these tips, you can ensure that you have enough alcohol for your guests to enjoy without overspending or running out.

Estimate Guest Count Accurately

One of the most important factors in determining how much alcohol you need for your wedding is to estimate the guest count accurately. This can be a difficult task, as you may not know exactly how many people will be able to attend. However, there are a few things you can do to get a good estimate.

First, start with the number of people you have invited. Then, consider the RSVP rate for weddings. On average, about 75% of invited guests will RSVP yes and attend the wedding. However, this number can vary depending on the time of year, the location of the wedding, and other factors. If you are having a destination wedding, for example, you may have a lower RSVP rate. If your are having a wedding during peak wedding season, you may have a higher RSVP rate.

Once you have estimated the number of guests who will be attending your wedding, you can start to calculate how much alcohol you need. It is always better to overestimate than underestimate, so it is a good idea to add an extra 10-15% to your estimate.

Here is an example of how to estimate your guest count:

  • Number of guests invited: 150
  • Estimated RSVP rate: 75%
  • Estimated number of guests attending: 150 x 0.75 = 113
  • Add 10-15% buffer: 113 x 0.15 = 17
  • Final estimated guest count: 113 + 17 = 130

Once you have estimated your guest count, you can start to calculate how much alcohol you need. A good rule of thumb is to provide one drink per guest per hour. So, for a six-hour reception, you would need 130 x 6 = 780 drinks.

It is important to note that this is just a general guideline. The amount of alcohol you need will vary depending on the type of alcohol you are serving, the duration of the reception, and the drinking habits of your guests. If you are unsure how much alcohol to purchase, it is always a good idea to consult with a professional bartender or wedding planner.

Consider Open Bar vs. Limited Bar

Another important factor to consider when determining how much alcohol you need for your wedding is whether you will have an open bar or a limited bar. An open bar is a bar where guests can order any drink they want, while a limited bar is a bar that only offers a limited selection of drinks, such as beer, wine, and cocktails.

If you are having an open bar, you will need to purchase more alcohol than if you are having a limited bar. This is because guests will be able to order any drink they want, and they may order multiple drinks throughout the night. A good rule of thumb is to provide two drinks per guest per hour for an open bar. So, for a six-hour reception, you would need 150 x 2 x 6 = 1800 drinks.

If you are having a limited bar, you will need to purchase less alcohol than if you are having an open bar. However, you will still need to purchase enough alcohol to meet the needs of your guests. A good rule of thumb is to provide one drink per guest per hour for a limited bar. So, for a six-hour reception, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 drinks.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to have an open bar or a limited bar is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. However, it is important to consider the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.

**Pros of an open bar:**

  • Guests can order any drink they want.
  • Guests are more likely to have a good time.
  • It can be easier to plan for, as you do not need to worry about running out of a particular type of alcohol.

**Cons of an open bar:**

  • It can be more expensive.
  • Guests may drink more than they intended.
  • It can be difficult to control the flow of alcohol, which can lead to problems such as drunk driving.

**Pros of a limited bar:**

  • It can be less expensive.
  • It can be easier to control the flow of alcohol.
  • It can help to prevent guests from drinking too much.

**Cons of a limited bar:**

  • Guests may not be able to order the drinks they want.
  • Guests may be disappointed if their favorite drinks are not available.
  • It can be more difficult to plan for, as you need to make sure you have enough of the drinks that your guests will want.

Determine Beer, Wine, and Liquor Needs

Once you have decided whether to have an open bar or a limited bar, you can start to determine how much beer, wine, and liquor you need. The amount of each type of alcohol you need will vary depending on the preferences of your guests. However, there are a few general guidelines you can follow.

  • Beer: Beer is typically the most popular alcoholic beverage at weddings. A good rule of thumb is to provide one beer per guest per hour. So, for a six-hour reception with 150 guests, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 beers.
  • Wine: Wine is another popular alcoholic beverage at weddings. A good rule of thumb is to provide one glass of wine per guest per hour. So, for a six-hour reception with 150 guests, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 glasses of wine.
  • Liquor: Liquor is typically less popular than beer and wine at weddings. However, you should still provide some liquor for guests who prefer it. A good rule of thumb is to provide one shot of liquor per guest per hour. So, for a six-hour reception with 150 guests, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 shots of liquor.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages: It is also important to provide non-alcoholic beverages for guests who do not drink alcohol. A good rule of thumb is to provide one non-alcoholic beverage per guest per hour. So, for a six-hour reception with 150 guests, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 non-alcoholic beverages.

These are just general guidelines. The amount of each type of alcohol you need will vary depending on the preferences of your guests. If you are unsure how much alcohol to purchase, it is always a good idea to consult with a professional bartender or wedding planner.

Factor in Signature Cocktails

If you are planning on serving a signature cocktail at your wedding, you will need to factor this into your alcohol calculations. A signature cocktail is a unique cocktail that is created specifically for your wedding. It is typically made with a combination of liquors, juices, and other ingredients. The amount of alcohol you need for your signature cocktail will vary depending on the recipe.

  • Determine the recipe for your signature cocktail. Once you have determined the recipe for your signature cocktail, you can calculate how much alcohol you need. To do this, you will need to multiply the amount of each ingredient in the recipe by the number of servings you want to make.
  • Estimate the number of servings you need. The number of servings you need will depend on the size of your guest list and how popular you think your signature cocktail will be. A good rule of thumb is to provide one serving of your signature cocktail per guest.
  • Purchase the necessary ingredients. Once you know how much alcohol you need, you can purchase the necessary ingredients. Be sure to purchase enough ingredients to make the number of servings you need.
  • Make your signature cocktail. On the day of your wedding, you can make your signature cocktail according to the recipe. Be sure to make enough to serve all of your guests.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you have enough alcohol to make your signature cocktail for all of your guests.

Estimate Drinks per Guest per Hour

One of the most important factors to consider when determining how much alcohol you need for your wedding is to estimate the number of drinks your guests will consume per hour. This can be a difficult task, as it depends on a number of factors, such as the type of alcohol being served, the length of the reception, and the drinking habits of your guests.

  • Consider the type of alcohol being served. Beer and wine are typically consumed more quickly than liquor. Therefore, you will need to purchase more beer and wine than liquor.
  • Consider the length of the reception. The longer the reception, the more drinks your guests will consume. Therefore, you will need to purchase more alcohol for a longer reception.
  • Consider the drinking habits of your guests. Some guests will drink more than others. If you have a lot of heavy drinkers on your guest list, you will need to purchase more alcohol.
  • Use a general rule of thumb. A good general rule of thumb is to estimate that each guest will consume one drink per hour. So, for a six-hour reception with 150 guests, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 drinks.

This is just a general guideline. The amount of alcohol you need will vary depending on the factors listed above. If you are unsure how much alcohol to purchase, it is always a good idea to consult with a professional bartender or wedding planner.

Adjust for Duration of Reception

The duration of your wedding reception will also affect how much alcohol you need. A longer reception will require more alcohol, as guests will have more time to drink. A good rule of thumb is to estimate that guests will consume one drink per hour. So, for a six-hour reception, you would need to purchase enough alcohol for 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 drinks. If your reception is longer than six hours, you will need to purchase more alcohol.

Here is an example of how to adjust your alcohol purchase for the duration of your reception:

  • Four-hour reception: 150 x 1 x 4 = 600 drinks
  • Six-hour reception: 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 drinks
  • Eight-hour reception: 150 x 1 x 8 = 1200 drinks

It is always better to overestimate than underestimate, so it is a good idea to add an extra 10-15% to your alcohol purchase. This will ensure that you have enough alcohol to last the entire reception.

Once you have estimated how much alcohol you need, you can start to purchase your drinks. It is important to shop around and compare prices before you buy. You may be able to save money by purchasing your alcohol from a wholesaler or by buying in bulk. It is also important to factor in the cost of ice, mixers, and other supplies.

Account for Non-Drinkers

Not all of your guests will drink alcohol. Therefore, it is important to account for non-drinkers when determining how much alcohol you need. A good rule of thumb is to estimate that 20% of your guests will not drink alcohol. So, for a wedding of 150 guests, you would estimate that 30 guests will not drink alcohol.

When accounting for non-drinkers, you can reduce the amount of alcohol you purchase by 20%. So, for a wedding of 150 guests, you would purchase 900 drinks - 20% = 720 drinks.

It is also important to provide non-alcoholic beverages for your guests who do not drink alcohol. This can include water, soda, juice, and mocktails.

Here are some tips for accommodating non-drinkers at your wedding:

  • Provide a variety of non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Make sure the non-alcoholic beverages are easily accessible.
  • Encourage your guests to drink responsibly.
  • Have a designated driver or taxi service available for guests who have been drinking.

Consider Seasonal Factors

The season in which you are getting married can also affect how much alcohol you need. Guests are more likely to drink more alcohol in warm weather than in cold weather. Therefore, you will need to purchase more alcohol for a summer wedding than for a winter wedding.

Here are some tips for considering seasonal factors when determining how much alcohol you need:

  • Summer weddings: Purchase more beer, wine, and cocktails. Consider having a signature cocktail that is refreshing and summery.
  • Winter weddings: Purchase more wine, liquor, and hot toddies. Consider having a signature cocktail that is warm and comforting.
  • Spring weddings: Purchase a mix of beer, wine, and cocktails. Consider having a signature cocktail that is light and floral.
  • Fall weddings: Purchase more wine and liquor. Consider having a signature cocktail that is warm and spicy.

By considering seasonal factors, you can ensure that you have the right amount of alcohol for your wedding guests.

Set a Budget and Stick to It

Once you have estimated how much alcohol you need, you can start to set a budget. The cost of alcohol can vary depending on the type of alcohol, the brand, and the location. It is important to shop around and compare prices before you buy. You may be able to save money by purchasing your alcohol from a wholesaler or by buying in bulk.

  • Set a realistic budget. Alcohol can be expensive, so it is important to set a realistic budget. Consider how much you can afford to spend on alcohol and stick to your budget.
  • Priorize your spending. If you are on a tight budget, you may need to prioritize your spending. For example, you may choose to purchase less expensive brands of alcohol or to serve a limited bar.
  • Look for ways to save money. There are a few ways to save money on alcohol. For example, you may be able to get a discount if you purchase your alcohol in bulk or if you buy it from a wholesaler.
  • Stick to your budget. Once you have set a budget, it is important to stick to it. It can be tempting to overspend on alcohol, but it is important to stay within your budget.

By following these tips, you can set a budget for alcohol and stick to it.

Rent a Bar or Hire a Bartender

If you are having a large wedding or if you want to offer a full bar, you may want to consider renting a bar or hiring a bartender. This can be a great way to ensure that your guests have a good time and that your alcohol is served responsibly.

Here are some of the benefits of renting a bar or hiring a bartender:

  • Convenience: A professional bartender can take care of all of the details, such as setting up the bar, serving drinks, and cleaning up. This can free up your time to focus on other things, such as enjoying your wedding.
  • Selection: A professional bartender will have a wide selection of drinks to choose from. This can ensure that your guests can find their favorite drinks.
  • Experience: A professional bartender will know how to make drinks quickly and efficiently. This can help to keep the lines moving and your guests happy.
  • Safety: A professional bartender will be trained in responsible alcohol service. This can help to prevent your guests from drinking too much and getting into trouble.

If you are considering renting a bar or hiring a bartender, be sure to get quotes from several different companies. This will help you to find the best price and the best service.


Here are some frequently asked questions about how much alcohol to purchase for a wedding of 150 guests:

Question 1: How much beer do I need?
Answer: A good rule of thumb is to provide one beer per guest per hour. So, for a six-hour reception, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 beers.

Question 2: How much wine do I need?
Answer: A good rule of thumb is to provide one glass of wine per guest per hour. So, for a six-hour reception, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 glasses of wine.

Question 3: How much liquor do I need?
Answer: A good rule of thumb is to provide one shot of liquor per guest per hour. So, for a six-hour reception, you would need 150 x 1 x 6 = 900 shots of liquor.

Question 4: How do I account for non-drinkers?
Answer: A good rule of thumb is to estimate that 20% of your guests will not drink alcohol. So, for a wedding of 150 guests, you would estimate that 30 guests will not drink alcohol.

Question 5: How do I set a budget for alcohol?
Answer: The cost of alcohol can vary depending on the type of alcohol, the brand, and the location. It is important to shop around and compare prices before you buy. You may be able to save money by purchasing your alcohol from a wholesaler or by buying in bulk.

Question 6: Should I rent a bar or hire a bartender?
Answer: If you are having a large wedding or if you want to offer a full bar, you may want to consider renting a bar or hiring a bartender. This can be a great way to ensure that your guests have a good time and that your alcohol is served responsibly.

In addition to the FAQs above, here are a few additional tips for determining how much alcohol you need for your wedding:


Here are a few additional tips for determining how much alcohol you need for your wedding:

  • Consider the weather. If you are having an outdoor wedding in warm weather, your guests are likely to drink more alcohol. Therefore, you should purchase more alcohol for a warm weather wedding than for a cold weather wedding.
  • Consider the time of day. If you are having an evening wedding, your guests are likely to drink more alcohol than if you are having a daytime wedding. Therefore, you should purchase more alcohol for an evening wedding than for a daytime wedding.
  • Consider the type of guests you have. If you have a lot of young guests, they are likely to drink more alcohol than if you have a lot of older guests. Therefore, you should purchase more alcohol if you have a lot of young guests.
  • Consider your own drinking habits. If you and your partner are heavy drinkers, you are likely to purchase more alcohol than if you are light drinkers. Therefore, you should consider your own drinking habits when determining how much alcohol to purchase.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you have enough alcohol for your wedding guests to enjoy without overspending or running out.

Once you have determined how much alcohol you need, you can start to purchase your drinks. It is important to shop around and compare prices before you buy. You may be able to save money by purchasing your alcohol from a wholesaler or by buying in bulk.


Determining how much alcohol you need for your wedding of 150 guests can be a daunting task. However, by following the tips in this article, you can ensure that you have enough alcohol for your guests to enjoy without overspending or running out.

Here is a summary of the main points:

  • Estimate your guest count accurately.
  • Consider whether you will have an open bar or a limited bar.
  • Determine your beer, wine, and liquor needs.
  • Factor in signature cocktails.
  • Estimate drinks per guest per hour.
  • Adjust for the duration of the reception.
  • Account for non-drinkers.
  • Consider seasonal factors.
  • Set a budget and stick to it.
  • Consider renting a bar or hiring a bartender.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your wedding reception is a success.

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