The Wedding Feast at Cana

The Wedding Feast at Cana

The Wedding Feast at Cana is a notable episode in the Gospel of John, where Jesus performs his first miracle, transforming water into wine at a wedding celebration.

The story unfolds in the village of Cana in Galilee, where Jesus and his disciples are invited to a wedding feast. As the celebration progresses, the hosts run out of wine, causing embarrassment and disappointment among the guests.

Upon hearing about the shortage, Jesus' mother, Mary, intercedes on behalf of the couple and informs Jesus of their predicament. Jesus initially hesitates, stating that his "hour has not yet come". However, Mary's persistence and the potential for public shame prompt Jesus to act.

The Wedding Feast at Cana

The Wedding Feast at Cana is a significant event in the Gospel of John, where Jesus performs his first miracle. Here are 9 important points about the story:

  • Wedding in Cana: Jesus and his disciples attend a wedding celebration in the village of Cana.
  • Wine shortage: The hosts run out of wine, causing embarrassment and disappointment.
  • Mary's request: Jesus' mother, Mary, asks Jesus to intervene.
  • Jesus' initial reluctance: Jesus initially hesitates, saying his "hour has not yet come."
  • Transformation: Jesus transforms water into wine, filling six stone jars.
  • First miracle: This is Jesus' first recorded miracle in the Gospel of John.
  • Display of glory: Jesus' miracle reveals his glory and power.
  • Belief of disciples: The miracle strengthens the faith of Jesus' disciples.
  • Symbolism: The transformation of water into wine symbolizes Jesus' ability to transform and renew.

The Wedding Feast at Cana is a pivotal moment in Jesus' ministry, demonstrating his miraculous power and foreshadowing his future teachings and works.

Wedding in Cana: Jesus and his disciples attend a wedding celebration in the village of Cana.

The Wedding Feast at Cana is a significant event in the Gospel of John, where Jesus performs his first miracle. The story begins with Jesus and his disciples being invited to a wedding celebration in the village of Cana.

  • Invitation

    Jesus and his disciples are invited to attend a wedding celebration in Cana, a village in Galilee. It is unclear whether Jesus knew the couple getting married or if he was simply invited as a guest.

  • Wedding guests

    The wedding is likely a large gathering, as Jesus and his disciples are among the guests. It is common in Middle Eastern culture for weddings to be elaborate and well-attended.

  • Significance of Cana

    Cana is a small village located in the region of Galilee. Its significance lies in its association with Jesus' first miracle, which takes place at this wedding feast.

  • Context of the miracle

    As the celebration progresses, the hosts run out of wine, which would have been a major embarrassment and disappointment. Mary, Jesus' mother, intercedes on behalf of the couple and informs Jesus of their situation.

The Wedding in Cana sets the stage for Jesus' first miracle, which reveals his divine power and glory. It also foreshadows his future teachings and works, which are centered on transforming and renewing the world.

Wine shortage: The hosts run out of wine, causing embarrassment and disappointment.

At the Wedding Feast at Cana, the hosts run out of wine, causing a major embarrassment and disappointment for the couple and their guests.

  • Cultural significance

    In ancient Israel, wine was an essential part of wedding celebrations. It was a symbol of joy, abundance, and hospitality. Running out of wine would have been a major social faux pas.

  • Impact on the hosts

    For the hosts, running out of wine would have been a source of shame and embarrassment. It could have damaged their reputation and made them the subject of gossip and ridicule.

  • Impact on the guests

    The guests would also have been disappointed, as wine was an important part of the celebration. Running out of wine could have led to a premature end to the festivities.

  • Potential consequences

    The wine shortage could have had wider consequences beyond the immediate embarrassment and disappointment. It could have strained relationships between the hosts and their guests, and even damaged the reputation of the village of Cana.

The wine shortage at the Wedding Feast at Cana creates a sense of urgency and desperation. It sets the stage for Jesus' first miracle, in which he transforms water into wine, saving the hosts from further embarrassment and disappointment.

Mary's request: Jesus' mother, Mary, asks Jesus to intervene.

When the hosts of the Wedding Feast at Cana run out of wine, Mary, Jesus' mother, notices their predicament and goes to Jesus.

  • Maternal concern

    Mary's request is motivated by her concern for the couple and her desire to help them avoid embarrassment and disappointment.

  • Familiarity with Jesus' power

    Mary may have had some knowledge of Jesus' divine power, even at this early stage of his ministry. Her request suggests that she believes Jesus is capable of helping the couple.

  • Intercession

    Mary acts as an intercessor, approaching Jesus on behalf of the couple. She brings their need to his attention and asks him to help them.

  • Trust in Jesus

    Mary's request demonstrates her trust in Jesus' willingness and ability to help. She believes that he will respond to her просьба and provide a solution to the problem.

Mary's request sets the stage for Jesus' first miracle. It reveals her compassionate nature and her close relationship with Jesus. It also foreshadows Jesus' future role as a mediator between God and humanity.

Jesus' initial reluctance: Jesus initially hesitates, saying his "hour has not yet come."

When Mary asks Jesus to intervene at the Wedding Feast at Cana, Jesus initially hesitates. He says, "Woman, my hour has not yet come." This response may seem surprising, given that this is Jesus' first recorded miracle.

  • Understanding "my hour"

    When Jesus says "my hour," he is referring to the time of his death and resurrection. This is the time when he will fully reveal his glory and power.

  • Not yet the right time

    Jesus' response to Mary suggests that he believes it is not yet the right time for him to perform a public miracle. He may be concerned about drawing attention to himself too early in his ministry.

  • Respect for his Father's plan

    Jesus' hesitation may also be a sign of his respect for his Father's plan. He wants to act in accordance with his Father's will and timing.

  • Testing Mary's faith

    Some scholars believe that Jesus' initial reluctance may be a test of Mary's faith. He wants to see if she will trust him even when he does not immediately respond to her request.

Despite Jesus' initial reluctance, he ultimately agrees to Mary's request and performs the miracle of turning water into wine. This act demonstrates his compassion, his power, and his willingness to respond to the needs of those who believe in him.

Transformation: Jesus transforms water into wine, filling six stone jars.

In response to Mary's просьба, Jesus agrees to perform the miracle of turning water into wine. He instructs the servants to fill six stone jars with water.

The number six is significant in the Bible. It is often used to represent completeness or perfection. In this case, the six stone jars may represent the fullness of Jesus' power and glory.

Jesus then commands the servants to draw out the water and take it to the master of the feast. When the master of the feast tastes the water, he is astonished, because it has become the finest wine.

The transformation of water into wine is a powerful symbol of Jesus' ability to transform and renew. Just as he turned ordinary water into the finest wine, he can transform our lives and make us new.

The miracle of the Wedding Feast at Cana reveals Jesus' divine power and glory. It is a sign that he has come to bring new life and joy to the world.

First miracle: This is Jesus' first recorded miracle in the Gospel of John.

The Wedding Feast at Cana is significant because it is the first recorded miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John. This miracle serves as a powerful introduction to Jesus' ministry and reveals his divine power and glory.

  • Significance of the first miracle

    The first miracle of a prophet or teacher is often seen as a sign of their authority and calling. Jesus' first miracle, turning water into wine, demonstrates his power over the natural world and his ability to bring joy and abundance.

  • Symbolism of the miracle

    The transformation of water into wine is a powerful symbol. Water is often associated with purification and new life, while wine is associated with joy and celebration. Jesus' miracle symbolizes his ability to transform our lives and bring us new joy and fulfillment.

  • Revelation of Jesus' glory

    The miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana reveals Jesus' divine glory. It shows that he is not just a human teacher or prophet, but the Son of God. This miracle is a foretaste of the greater glory that Jesus will reveal throughout his ministry.

  • Impact on Jesus' disciples

    The miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana has a profound impact on Jesus' disciples. It strengthens their faith in him and convinces them that he is the Messiah. This miracle is a turning point in Jesus' ministry, as it marks the beginning of his public ministry and the gathering of his disciples.

The first miracle of Jesus, recorded in the Gospel of John, is a powerful and significant event. It reveals Jesus' power and glory, symbolizes his ability to transform our lives, and strengthens the faith of his disciples.

Display of glory: Jesus' miracle reveals his glory and power.

The miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana is a powerful display of Jesus' glory and power. It is a sign that he is not just a human teacher or prophet, but the Son of God.

In the ancient world, miracles were seen as signs of divine power. When Jesus turns water into wine, he is demonstrating his authority over the natural world. He is showing that he is the creator and sustainer of all things.

The miracle at Cana is also a display of Jesus' glory. Glory is the visible manifestation of God's presence and power. When Jesus performs this miracle, he is revealing his divine nature to the world.

The miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana is a turning point in Jesus' ministry. It is the moment when he begins to reveal his true identity to the world. This miracle is a sign of the new age that is coming, an age in which God's glory will be revealed to all.

The miracle at Cana is a reminder that Jesus is not just a historical figure, but the living Son of God. He is the one who has come to save us from our sins and to bring us into a new life of joy and fulfillment.

Belief of disciples: The miracle strengthens the faith of Jesus' disciples.

The miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana has a profound impact on Jesus' disciples. It strengthens their faith in him and convinces them that he is the Messiah.

  • Strengthening of faith

    Prior to the miracle, the disciples may have had some faith in Jesus, but their faith was not yet fully developed. The miracle at Cana serves as a powerful confirmation of Jesus' divine power and authority.

  • Sign of the Messiah

    In the ancient world, miracles were often seen as signs of the Messiah. The fact that Jesus performs this miracle leads the disciples to believe that he is the Messiah, the one who has come to save Israel.

  • Beginning of discipleship

    The miracle at Cana is a turning point in the disciples' relationship with Jesus. It is the moment when they begin to truly believe in him and to follow him as their rabbi and leader.

  • Foundation of the church

    The faith of the disciples, strengthened by the miracle at Cana, is the foundation of the Christian church. The church is built on the belief that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

The miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana is a reminder that Jesus is not just a historical figure, but the living Son of God. He is the one who has come to save us from our sins and to bring us into a new life of joy and fulfillment.

Symbolism: The transformation of water into wine symbolizes Jesus' ability to transform and renew.

The miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana is not just a display of Jesus' power, but also a powerful symbol of his ability to transform and renew.

In the ancient world, water was often seen as a symbol of purification and new life. Wine, on the other hand, was seen as a symbol of joy and celebration. The transformation of water into wine, then, symbolizes Jesus' ability to bring new life and joy to those who believe in him.

This symbolism is particularly significant in the context of the wedding feast. A wedding is a celebration of new beginnings and new life. Jesus' miracle at the wedding feast is a sign that he has come to bring new life and joy to the world.

The miracle at Cana is also a reminder that Jesus is not just a historical figure, but the living Son of God. He is the one who has come to save us from our sins and to bring us into a new life of joy and fulfillment.

The miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana is a powerful reminder of Jesus' ability to transform and renew our lives. He is the one who can bring new life and joy to even the most difficult situations. If we believe in him, he will transform our lives and make us new.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Wedding Feast at Cana:

Question 1: What is the significance of the Wedding Feast at Cana?
Answer: The Wedding Feast at Cana is significant because it is the first miracle recorded in the Gospel of John. It reveals Jesus' divine power and glory, and it symbolizes his ability to transform and renew.

Question 2: Why did Jesus turn water into wine at the wedding feast?
Answer: Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding feast to save the hosts from embarrassment and disappointment. He also performed this miracle as a sign of his divine power and glory.

Question 3: What does the transformation of water into wine symbolize?
Answer: The transformation of water into wine symbolizes Jesus' ability to transform and renew. It is a sign that he can bring new life and joy to those who believe in him.

Question 4: Who was present at the Wedding Feast at Cana?
Answer: Jesus, his mother Mary, his disciples, and the wedding guests were present at the Wedding Feast at Cana.

Question 5: Where did the Wedding Feast at Cana take place?
Answer: The Wedding Feast at Cana took place in the village of Cana in Galilee.

Question 6: What is the significance of the number six in the miracle at Cana?
Answer: The number six is significant in the Bible because it often represents completeness or perfection. In the miracle at Cana, the six stone jars may represent the fullness of Jesus' power and glory.

Question 7: What does the miracle at Cana teach us about Jesus?
Answer: The miracle at Cana teaches us that Jesus is the Son of God, that he has power over the natural world, and that he can transform and renew our lives.

The Wedding Feast at Cana is a powerful reminder of Jesus' power and glory. It is a sign that he has come to bring new life and joy to the world.

Here are some tips for studying the Wedding Feast at Cana:


Here are some tips for studying the Wedding Feast at Cana:

Tip 1: Read the biblical account carefully.
The biblical account of the Wedding Feast at Cana is found in the Gospel of John, chapter 2. Read the account carefully, paying attention to the details. Note the characters involved, the setting, and the events that take place.

Tip 2: Consider the historical context.
The Wedding Feast at Cana took place in first-century Palestine. It is important to understand the historical context of this event. This will help you to better understand the customs and practices of the time.

Tip 3: Look for symbolism.
The Wedding Feast at Cana is rich in symbolism. For example, the transformation of water into wine symbolizes Jesus' ability to transform and renew. Look for other symbols in the story and consider their meaning.

Tip 4: Apply the story to your own life.
The Wedding Feast at Cana is not just an interesting story. It is a story with a message for us today. Consider how the story applies to your own life. What does it teach you about Jesus? How can you apply its message to your own life?

By following these tips, you can gain a deeper understanding of the Wedding Feast at Cana and its significance for our lives today.

The Wedding Feast at Cana is a powerful reminder of Jesus' power and glory. It is a sign that he has come to bring new life and joy to the world.


The Wedding Feast at Cana is a significant event in the Gospel of John. It is Jesus' first recorded miracle, and it reveals his divine power and glory. The miracle symbolizes Jesus' ability to transform and renew, and it foreshadows his future teachings and works.

The Wedding Feast at Cana also teaches us about the importance of faith. The hosts of the wedding feast had faith that Jesus could help them, even when it seemed impossible. Their faith was rewarded, and Jesus performed a miracle that saved them from embarrassment and disappointment.

The Wedding Feast at Cana is a reminder that Jesus is not just a historical figure, but the living Son of God. He is the one who has come to save us from our sins and to bring us into a new life of joy and fulfillment.

If you are struggling with any challenges in your life, remember the Wedding Feast at Cana. Have faith that Jesus can help you, and he will transform your life and make you new.

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