Wedding Quotations in the Bible

Wedding Quotations in the Bible

The Bible is a rich source of wisdom and inspiration for couples preparing for their wedding day. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, there are numerous verses that can be used as wedding quotations to express the love, commitment, and joy that is inherent in the marriage covenant.

These quotations can be used in wedding ceremonies, vows, readings, or toasts. They can also be used as a source of comfort and guidance for couples as they navigate the challenges and joys of married life.

In this article, we will explore some of the most popular and meaningful wedding quotations from the Bible. We will also provide some tips on how to choose and use these quotations in your own wedding celebration.

wedding quotations in the bible

The Bible is a rich source of wedding quotations that can be used to express the love, commitment, and joy that is inherent in the marriage covenant. These quotations can be used in wedding ceremonies, vows, readings, or toasts. They can also be used as a source of comfort and guidance for couples as they navigate the challenges and joys of married life.

  • Love is patient and kind.
  • Love never fails.
  • Two are better than one.
  • A cord of three strands is not easily broken.
  • As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
  • He who finds a wife finds a good thing.
  • My beloved is mine, and I am his.

These are just a few of the many beautiful and meaningful wedding quotations that can be found in the Bible. When choosing a quotation for your wedding, it is important to select one that reflects your own beliefs and values. You may also want to consider the context of the quotation and how it relates to your own relationship.

Love is patient and kind.

The Bible tells us that love is patient and kind. This means that love is not easily angered or provoked. It is slow to react to negative behavior and is always willing to forgive. Love is also kind, which means that it is always looking for the best interests of others. It is compassionate, understanding, and supportive.

  • Love is patient.

    Love does not give up easily. It is willing to endure hardship and suffering for the sake of the other person. Love is also patient with the other person's faults and weaknesses. It does not demand perfection, but is always willing to forgive and give the other person a second chance.

  • Love is kind.

    Love is always looking for the best interests of the other person. It is compassionate, understanding, and supportive. Love is also kind in its words and actions. It does not use harsh or hurtful language, and it is always respectful of the other person's feelings.

  • Love does not envy.

    Love is not jealous or possessive. It does not seek to control or dominate the other person. Love is also content with what it has and does not compare itself to others.

  • Love does not boast.

    Love is not arrogant or proud. It does not seek to draw attention to itself or to make itself look better than others. Love is also humble and does not put itself above others.

These are just a few of the ways that love is patient and kind. When we love others in this way, we are reflecting the love of God, who is the perfect example of patience and kindness.

Love never fails.

The Bible tells us that love never fails. This means that love is always present, even when things are difficult. It does not give up or fade away, but endures through all circumstances. Love is also the most important thing in life. It is more important than wealth, power, or fame. Love is what makes life worth living and gives us hope for the future.

There are many different ways to express love. We can show love to our spouse, children, family, friends, and even strangers. We can show love through our words, actions, and deeds. Love is not always easy, but it is always worth it. When we love others, we are not only making them happy, but we are also making ourselves happy.

Love is the foundation of a strong and healthy marriage. When a husband and wife love each other unconditionally, they are able to overcome any challenge that comes their way. Love also helps couples to grow closer together and to become more intimate. When we love someone, we are willing to sacrifice our own needs for their happiness.

Love is a gift from God. It is the most powerful force in the world and it has the ability to change lives. When we experience love, we are experiencing a taste of heaven on earth. Love is what makes life worth living and it is what gives us hope for the future.

Here are some examples of how love never fails:

  • Love is patient and kind, even when the other person is not.
  • Love forgives all, even the most grievous sins.
  • Love bears all things, even the most difficult burdens.
  • Love never gives up, even when the situation seems hopeless.

Love is the most important thing in life. It is what makes life worth living and it is what gives us hope for the future. When we love others, we are not only making them happy, but we are also making ourselves happy.

Two are better than one.

The Bible tells us that two are better than one. This means that there is strength in numbers and that we are better off when we work together. This is especially true in marriage. When two people come together in marriage, they become a team and are able to accomplish more than they could on their own.

There are many benefits to being a team. For example, couples can share the responsibilities of marriage, such as raising children, managing finances, and taking care of the home. They can also support each other emotionally and spiritually. When one person is struggling, the other person can be there to offer encouragement and support.

In addition, couples can often achieve more together than they could on their own. For example, they may be able to save more money, buy a bigger house, or start a business. They can also provide more support for their children and be more involved in their community.

Of course, marriage is not always easy. There will be times when couples disagree or have conflict. However, if they are committed to working together, they can overcome any challenge that comes their way.

Here are some examples of how two are better than one:

  • Two people can share the responsibilities of marriage, such as raising children, managing finances, and taking care of the home.
  • Couples can support each other emotionally and spiritually. When one person is struggling, the other person can be there to offer encouragement and support.
  • Couples can often achieve more together than they could on their own. For example, they may be able to save more money, buy a bigger house, or start a business.
  • Couples can provide more support for their children and be more involved in their community.

Marriage is a partnership and it is important to remember that two are better than one. When couples work together, they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

A cord of three strands is not easily broken.

The Bible tells us that a cord of three strands is not easily broken. This means that a marriage that is built on a strong foundation is not easily broken. The three strands represent the husband, the wife, and God. When all three strands are present, the marriage is strong and secure.

  • The husband and wife.

    The husband and wife are the two main strands in the cord of marriage. They are the ones who are responsible for building and maintaining the relationship. When the husband and wife are committed to each other and to their marriage, the marriage is strong and secure.

  • God.

    God is the third strand in the cord of marriage. He is the one who brings the husband and wife together and who helps them to build a strong and lasting relationship. When God is at the center of a marriage, the marriage is built on a solid foundation and is not easily broken.

  • Communication.

    Communication is essential for any healthy relationship, including marriage. When couples communicate openly and honestly with each other, they are able to resolve conflict and build a stronger bond. Communication also helps couples to stay connected and to feel supported by each other.

  • Forgiveness.

    Forgiveness is another important ingredient in a strong marriage. When couples are able to forgive each other for their mistakes, they are able to move on and build a stronger relationship. Forgiveness also helps couples to let go of anger and resentment, which can damage a marriage.

When all three strands are present in a marriage, the marriage is strong and secure. The husband and wife are committed to each other and to their marriage, God is at the center of the relationship, and the couple communicates openly and honestly with each other. When these three strands are in place, the marriage is not easily broken.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

The Bible tells us that as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. This means that we can help each other to grow and become better people. This is especially true in marriage. When a husband and wife are committed to helping each other grow, they can achieve great things together.

  • Encouragement.

    One of the most important things that we can do for each other is to offer encouragement. When our spouse is feeling down or discouraged, we can be there to offer a listening ear and words of support. Encouragement can help our spouse to see the best in themselves and to reach their full potential.

  • Challenge.

    In addition to encouragement, we can also challenge each other to grow. This means helping our spouse to step outside of their comfort zone and to try new things. Challenge can help our spouse to learn and grow, and to become a more well-rounded person.

  • Accountability.

    Another important aspect of sharpening each other is accountability. This means holding each other accountable for our actions and commitments. Accountability can help us to stay on track and to reach our goals.

  • Love.

    The most important ingredient in sharpening each other is love. When we love our spouse, we want what is best for them. We want them to grow and become the best person they can be. Love is the foundation for a strong and healthy marriage.

When we sharpen each other, we are helping each other to grow and become better people. We are also strengthening our marriage and making it more fulfilling. Sharpening each other is a lifelong process, but it is one of the most important things that we can do for each other.

He who finds a wife finds a good thing.

The Bible tells us that he who finds a wife finds a good thing. This means that a good wife is a precious gift from God. She is a source of joy, comfort, and support. A good wife is also a valuable asset to her husband and family.

There are many qualities that make a good wife. She is:

  • Virtuous. A good wife is virtuous, which means that she is morally excellent and has high standards of conduct. She is honest, trustworthy, and faithful.
  • Wise. A good wife is wise, which means that she has good judgment and makes wise decisions. She is able to give her husband good advice and support.
  • Capable. A good wife is capable, which means that she is able to manage her household and family well. She is able to cook, clean, and care for her children.
  • Industrious. A good wife is industrious, which means that she is hardworking and diligent. She is not lazy or idle, but is always busy doing something productive.
  • Loving. A good wife is loving, which means that she loves her husband and family unconditionally. She is affectionate, supportive, and forgiving.

A good wife is a treasure. She is a source of joy, comfort, and support to her husband and family. She is also a valuable asset to her community. A good wife is someone to be cherished and honored.

Here are some examples of how a good wife is a good thing:

  • A good wife makes her husband happy.
  • A good wife supports her husband in his career and goals.
  • A good wife takes care of her husband and children.
  • A good wife makes her home a warm and welcoming place.
  • A good wife is a source of strength and encouragement for her husband and family.

If you are fortunate enough to find a good wife, cherish her and never let her go.

My beloved is mine, and I am his.

The Bible tells us that my beloved is mine, and I am his. This means that we belong to each other. We are one flesh and one spirit. We are committed to each other for life.

This verse is a beautiful expression of the love and commitment that should exist between a husband and wife. It is a reminder that we are not two separate individuals, but one team. We are partners in life and we are committed to supporting and loving each other through thick and thin.

There are many ways to show our beloved that they are ours and we are theirs. We can express our love through our words, actions, and deeds. We can also show our love by being there for each other, through the good times and the bad.

When we truly love someone, we want to be with them always. We want to share our lives with them and we want to make them happy. We are willing to sacrifice our own needs for their happiness. This is the true meaning of love.

Here are some examples of how we can show our beloved that they are ours and we are theirs:

  • We can tell them how much we love them.
  • We can spend time with them.
  • We can do things for them.
  • We can be there for them when they need us.
  • We can forgive them when they hurt us.

When we show our beloved that they are ours and we are theirs, we are strengthening our relationship and making it more fulfilling. We are also showing them how much we care about them.


Here are some frequently asked questions about wedding quotations in the Bible:

Question 1: What are some of the most popular wedding quotations from the Bible?
Answer 1: Some of the most popular wedding quotations from the Bible include:

  • "Love is patient and kind." (1 Corinthians 13:4)
  • "Love never fails." (1 Corinthians 13:8)
  • "Two are better than one." (Ecclesiastes 4:9)
  • "A cord of three strands is not easily broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
  • "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17)
  • "He who finds a wife finds a good thing." (Proverbs 18:22)
  • "My beloved is mine, and I am his." (Song of Solomon 2:16)

Question 2: How can I choose a wedding quotation from the Bible?
Answer 2: When choosing a wedding quotation from the Bible, it is important to select one that reflects your own beliefs and values. You may also want to consider the context of the quotation and how it relates to your own relationship.

Question 3: Where can I find wedding quotations from the Bible?
Answer 3: You can find wedding quotations from the Bible in a variety of places, including the Bible itself, online resources, and wedding planning books.

Question 4: Can I use wedding quotations from the Bible in my wedding ceremony?
Answer 4: Yes, you can use wedding quotations from the Bible in your wedding ceremony. Many couples choose to include Bible verses in their vows, readings, or toasts.

Question 5: How can I make my wedding ceremony more meaningful by using Bible quotations?
Answer 5: You can make your wedding ceremony more meaningful by using Bible quotations to express your love and commitment to each other. You can also use Bible verses to reflect on the importance of marriage and to seek God's blessing on your union.

Question 6: What are some tips for using Bible quotations in my wedding ceremony?
Answer 6: Here are some tips for using Bible quotations in your wedding ceremony:

  • Choose a quotation that is meaningful to you and your spouse.
  • Consider the context of the quotation and how it relates to your relationship.
  • Use the quotation in a way that is respectful and meaningful.
  • Avoid using too many quotations in your ceremony.
  • Practice reading the quotation aloud before your wedding day.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips for using wedding quotations in the Bible:


Here are some tips for using wedding quotations in the Bible:

Tip 1: Choose a quotation that is meaningful to you and your spouse. When choosing a wedding quotation from the Bible, it is important to select one that reflects your own beliefs and values. You may also want to consider the context of the quotation and how it relates to your own relationship.

Tip 2: Use the quotation in a way that is respectful and meaningful. When using a Bible quotation in your wedding ceremony, it is important to do so in a way that is respectful and meaningful. Avoid using quotations in a way that is flippant or disrespectful.

Tip 3: Avoid using too many quotations in your ceremony. While Bible quotations can be a beautiful and meaningful addition to your wedding ceremony, it is important to avoid using too many. A few well-chosen quotations will be more effective than a long list of verses.

Tip 4: Practice reading the quotation aloud before your wedding day. If you are planning to read a Bible quotation during your wedding ceremony, it is important to practice reading it aloud beforehand. This will help you to feel more confident and comfortable on your wedding day.

By following these tips, you can use wedding quotations from the Bible to create a ceremony that is both meaningful and memorable.



Wedding quotations from the Bible can be a beautiful and meaningful way to express the love and commitment that you share with your spouse. When choosing a quotation, it is important to select one that reflects your own beliefs and values. You may also want to consider the context of the quotation and how it relates to your own relationship.

Here are some of the main points to remember when using wedding quotations from the Bible:

  • Choose a quotation that is meaningful to you and your spouse.
  • Use the quotation in a way that is respectful and meaningful.
  • Avoid using too many quotations in your ceremony.
  • Practice reading the quotation aloud before your wedding day.

By following these tips, you can use wedding quotations from the Bible to create a ceremony that is both meaningful and memorable.

May your marriage be filled with the same love and commitment that is expressed in the Bible.

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